Create AWS EC2 Ubuntu Instance

Lakebrains Technologies
3 min readNov 24, 2020

It is very quick and easy to create an EC2 instance. We can use the “Free Tier” instance for learning purposes. AWS provides a wide variety of instances with different Images like Windows, Amazon Linux, RedHat, SUSE, and Ubuntu, etc. My purpose to create an EC2 instance to host websites. But it could be anything as per your requirements like running a stand-alone application or AI/ML application.

Login into AWS if you already have an account otherwise create an account and sign in to the AWS console.

Following are the steps to create an EC2 Ubuntu instance:

  • Click on EC2 in the compute section in service.
  • Click on the Instances tab in the left side list.
  • Click on the Launch instances button available on the right side top of your console.
  • Now we can see 7 stages to create and configure the instance for our purpose.
  1. Choose AMI: Click on the Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type which comes under Free Tier.
  2. Choose Instance Type: Select the T2 Macro instance type which comes under the Free Tier.
  3. Configure Instance: There are many options to configure the instance but for now, we won’t change anything here as the default configuration will be sufficient for us. We can select us-east-2a in the drop-down list of the subnet and add secondary IP to the Network Interface section to the allocation of multiple private IPs to the same instance.
  4. Add storage: By default 8 GB storage is provided. You can change here as per your need.
  5. Add Tags: We can add tags to intense. Tag is nothing but a name given to an instance. These are very useful when you are working on multiple instances.
  6. Configure Security Group: Security group is acting as a firewall in an instance. These security groups decide who can access the instance which we are creating. We can use an existing one if it is already created or create it with the following rules.
Security Group

7. Review & Launch: Here, we just need to check the filled details are correct and we can change them here before launching the instance. We can access the instance once after some time.

You can find the newly created instance in the instances tab. You can connect through ssh.

Refer “” to fix the unreachable instance.

Refer “” to host a Static website.

Refer “” to host Dynamic WordPress website.

Refer “” to multiple websites on the same server.



Lakebrains Technologies

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